Homemade arepas

This three (or four, depending on your cooking preferences) ingredient recipe is heaven-sent, let me tell you. Unlike yeast bread, there’s no waiting time for this recipe. There’s no need to wait for the yeast to activate, so you’ll have hot arepas ready in no time when the need arises. The kneading stage doesn’t take long, either. Lazy recipes = my kind of recipes. #panfan #ad #ic
This three (or four, depending on your cooking preferences) ingredient recipe is heaven-sent, let me tell you. Unlike yeast bread, there’s no waiting time for this recipe. There’s no need to wait for the yeast to activate, so you’ll have hot arepas ready in no time when the need arises. The kneading stage doesn’t take long, either. Lazy recipes = my kind of recipes. #panfan #ad #ic